Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year, New Resolutions

It's the time of the year again! Everyone is making new year resolutions. According to some Nobel prize winner of economics, it may actually work. "economics" he said, is the reason behind the success of some resolutions. Basically, it means 破釜沉舟,after telling everyone your aims and goals, you won't want to fail them due to egoistic reasons. Mr Sim, the chairman of Creative, said it during his motivational talks and used it when he declared war with apple but failed quite miserably. At least, he didn't go back on his words.

So here are my resolutions(hope I won't eat those words),
1.Gold for ippt (something that elude me since bmt)
2.Pull up my CAP(even 0.001 will do)
3.Sleep more
4.Save more (for SEP)

There is only 5 I can think of now. How weird. I must be still half awake after the new year “celebration” at SO's house. However, at least I know these 5 are the more important ones since I still type them out in my present state of mind.

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