Sunday, January 15, 2006


It was really fun at MOSS. I witness for the first time that a guy was being violated with girls. That's the fun part of changing with people who usually don't club -- funny things happen. Ultra guai looking people can actually dance, people sprouting nonsense when they have a little too much alcohol and claiming they aren't and girls screaming at things that are so trivial (I strongly believe they are a little tipsy or they are just trying to attract attention).

Meeting people who I haven't seen for eons at MoS is sort of a surprise and a rather pleasant one. Eddy, one of my best friend in secondary school is actually there. I miss old times. "God of CS", jingsong and buaya king terrance quek were also there with their poly friends. Chong guan the acrobat was also there. He has become more yandao and I almost couldn't confirm his identity. I miss old vs, everything about it, from friends to canteen food. There was actually people who write to The Sunday times and lobby for all single sex school to turn co-ed. I guess such people have nothing better to do. Ask any one who graduated from VS, 90% would choose to go to VS again given a second chance. I guess this will be the same for most all guys and all girls school. Try asking a co ed student the same question, (from my experience) they will most likely say they feel no sense of belonging to the school.

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