Friday, February 24, 2006

Katong dinner

Hungry souls are advised not to continue reading this post.

It was like any other night without our dearest uncle Vincent.

around dinner time, hungry souls all over the block will start msning each other and to find company for dinner. Like any other night, we gathered at level 4 and set off without deciding where to eat.

As david drove out, we finally decided. Katong Laksa. After a long journey along ecp (and witnessing 2 traffic accident) we finally arrived at 328 katong laksa. It has been years since I last went there. How I miss s62 times. After eating the Singapore acclaimed Katong laksa, the guys decided to continue our eating frenzy with "5 stars Chicken Rice". It was only so-so but the bill came up to be not so so-so. I guess it will be my last time there (unless someone is treating me).

Anyway, as we were walking back to David's car, a Hagen Daz shop must be along the way. Unable to resist the temptations, most of us came out of the shop with ice cream in our hands. (TO all hagen daz card holders: your card may expired before you know it, as in the case of darius).

This is the first night that I am not having supper since the end of Chinese new year.

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