Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mugging days

I am really amaze with myself that I managed to mug for hours at a stretch. Hmmmm, but I am more amazed with people that can mug for 14 hours straight. Does mugging such long hours really helps? Even if it does, I will convince myself it won't. Somehow, I will be tempted to deceive myself that watching 14 hours of anime in one shot helps mugging.

I am blogging now because some "yandao" is using the gym to watch something and I can't use it (i am trying hard to fit into my uniform). I wonder what's so important that he needs the privacy of the gym to watch it?

Girl is a truly amazing species. They expect guys not to get angry when they repeatedly whack them on the back. Yet, they get angry when guys laugh at them. They expect their actions to be reciprocated yet, when guys help them with things, they take it for granted. They whine and throw insults and expect guys to pay more attention to them and yet when guys rebut them with simple logic they start crying.

I am typing all these because I am really pissed off with someone. Seems like I get pissed off more easily during exam period. Really need to manage my temper. Come to think of it, if I don't vent it out, won't I end up like the south Korean guy that killed so many people?

I give up, not waiting for the gym anymore, bed is more comfortable than gym.

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