Sunday, January 21, 2007


Somehow or rather, posters are getting more and more popular in hall. Some serves very general purposes like appealing to people to support IHG games. Some serves to tell people of specific events. There are also posters that just serve to raise the profile of people in committees or sports. Well, when you have pictures of people everywhere in hall, there will also be some vandalism. I guess some people just like to show their displeasure by tearing down posters of people they don't like. I guess no harm is really done but I sure hope those who tear down the posters feel better. If not the money spent on printing the posters will be totally wasted. I think a better way of showing their displeasure on a certain someone would be pasting post-it notes beside, around or on the posters. Firstly, they can really substantiate why they hate that person (on the poster). Secondly, it save money. A piece of post-it is definitely cheaper than reprinting a poster. Thirdly, post-it notes are small and the process of pasting it shouldn't take more than 3 sec. Therefore, the chances of you being caught is quite slim. For those whose posters are torn down, maybe it's time to reflect on what you have done wrong.

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