Tuesday, August 15, 2006

People are different

When I was younger, I always believe that everyone thinks the same way since everyone go through the same shit in school. In fact most people i know are damn on, ableit in a different way. Since everyone is unique, this is no surprise. Maybe everyone just have to learn to respect differences if they are not strongly against your religion, principles and belief. I seriously hate ponding turn ugly which can happen quite often if certain personalities are around. Although I am against ponding, and trying very hard not to get involved in one, I still won't spoil the fun by showing everyone the face when i am ponded and stuff. Like i really really hate people dwelling on the stupid name HJH, even so at times i feel like skinning those bastards alive (in fact there is only one guy lah). Maybe one fine day in the not so long future, I may just explode and set fire and burn him alive and laugh at his ordeal. Even I don't set fire on him, there is a high possibility of me making sure he experience 10 times as much torment when i get the chance. I didn't know I am so evil.

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