Woke up to see a strip of powder acrossed everyone's door. I thought that was it. Had my breakfast and returned to my room as usual. Then, an egg drop from no where. Which *&*(&^ son/daughter(s) of a Bitch/ Bitches did this? Now my whole bloody room smell like rotten egg. I sincerely hope that for the rest of ur stay in sheares hall you will be getting rotten eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyone pls don't tell me who did that (in fact i don't think its the girls), if not i can't guarantee myself that i won't do anything evil during exam period like pouring honey into ur shoes, spiking ur milk/drinks/food with laxatives or setting your room on fire. Beware you bloody *(()^%&*%*(&^&*(&&07 of a ()*&*%*^&)*) !!!!
Now i think the coridor smell like rotten eggs too.
Ok lah, I am not really that angry. The first paragraph is meant to tramatise you for a moment. If any of those unfortunate events really do happen, they are not my doings. I am not that evil. At least not as evil, inconsiderate as you.
Anyway, to all graduating senior, all the best in your future endeavors.